As a financial professional for over 15 years with a unique background, I bring investment and financially focused diverse experience into the world of the capital markets. As a "creative" having achieved proficiency in the world of finance, I offer a targeted and well-planned approach to the field of financial services.

My first objective is to teach you how to pass the SIE qualifying exam and then I will continue to help you navigate your career by continuing to offer you high-quality coaching and mentoring. I will not only assist you in learning the financial principles necessary to launch and/or transition your career into the financial services industry, but I will provide you with the “circle of mentorship” within the galvanized community to drastically increase your chances of success. There’s an old proverb that says “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” We have to go far — quickly.

While using my experiences, and community of support to assist you in your career; I can help, as I have made all the mistakes for you. I can now pass on the value and increase not only your financial acumen, but also give you invaluable tools that will not only pay dividends for the individual, but if done right, for many generations to come.

Contact me today to get you started.

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